Project description
Project Structure
- Characterize the gene expression profile of symptomatic and asymptomatic plaques
- Determine the cellular composition of atherosclerotic plaques through deep profiling
- Assess the predictive value of ceramides in carotid artery disease
- Assess the predictive value of extracellular vesicle biomarkers in carotid artery disease
- Identify common pathways and networks through joint modelling of multi-omics datasets that cluster plaques into biologically and clinical risk-relevant subtypes
- Determine circulating biomarker profiles that can be used as surrogate markers to identify distinct plaque subtypes
- Describe carotid artery disease endotypes and use them to refine patient stratification according to risk
- Refine the existing multilevel computational model of plaque progression
- Develop an agent based model of plaque progression
- Integrate models outcomes and delivery of the new risk stratification tool
- Validate the individual models and the new risk stratification tool
- Select the most informative pharmacogenetic markers for patient stratification and personalized (precision) treatment
- Fabricate the single cavity pipet PCR devices and thermal controller in order to enable the different temperature steps (PCR cycling)
- Fabricate the fluidic testing of multiple cavity lab-on-a-chip
- Optimize the individual PCR reactions on lab-on-a-chip
- Demonstrate the multiplex PCR using a single lab-on-a-chip
- Run a prospective observational clinical study in patients with carotid artery disease
- Evaluate the predictive performance of the new risk stratification model
- Assess the ability of the new risk stratification model to reduce unnecessary treatment, morbidity and healthcare costs
- Define and follow the legal, ethical, and data protection, privacy and security issues related with the clinical and research activities
- Identify and analyse the regulatory aspects influenced by the introduction of TAXINOMOSIS approach
- Measure and quantify the increased cost-effectiveness of TAXINOMISIS concepts in comparison to the already established practices
- Implement a strong plan for the exploitation and commercialisation of the scientific and technological results.
- Accelerate the transition of the biomedical and clinical research results to medical use through well-defined
- Present dissemination and communication activities
- Introduce and enhance the penetration of the TAXINOMISIS results to the industry driven field and specifically to the small and medium SMEs of lab-on-chip technologies and disease prediction tools
- Share the gained knowledge with key stakeholders, including patient associations, public health authorities, regulatory experts and others
- Keep a well-organized communication between consortium partners
- Ensure an efficient financial administration of project resources
- Release the project deliverables on time respecting project constraints and ensuring results quality
- Monitor the partners activities and timely conflict resolution
- Ensure compliance with the 'ethics requirements' set out in this work package

This project has received funding from the
European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and
Innovation Programme under grant agreement No